




实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.1实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.2实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.3实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.4实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.5实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.6实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.13实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.14实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.15实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.16实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.17实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.18实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.19实习医生格蕾第九季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-06-29 04:52


实习医生格蕾 第九季


 1 ) 难忘的台词

She’s a ticking clock.The clock is ticking fast.她时间不多了(same) I need your extra minds,extra eyes.i need you to play detective.我需要你们集思广益,来侦破这桩疑案 You got more work than you could possibly handle.手头的事都做不完 The sum total of her existence will be almost winning Miss Teen Whatever她一生最大的成就就只是当什么选美皇后

 2 ) 格蕾与我的这一年

E01 格蕾和我的这一年 跑过数家医院后,我似乎有点不太敢看医疗剧了。 那些血淋淋的一切,无法挽回的生离死别,达不到的梦想,都让人恐惧与感伤。 还是点开了格蕾,毕竟在它最低靡的季也没放弃追着。 直到善良温暖的Izzie被人遗忘;直到平日腼腆行事坚韧的George以看似最完美的方式谢幕;直到永远带着笑容的Arizona失去了她的腿变得不可理喻;直到“迷人先生”Mark追着最像我们的姑娘Lexie离开人世…… 它的新一季宣传语,叫爱火不灭,伤痕犹存。 这一年我听到了很多消息,有些来自身边朋友,有喜事,也有噩耗,有逆转,也有注定。 其实,谁不经历人生,谁又只有喜悦没痛苦呢? 只是因为命运不同,程度也不同罢了。 早先就说过,被数年不见的亲生父亲骗走一个肾的人,觉得丢了三百元是件根本不值一提的事。全家只剩三百元买米下锅的人,会为被人骗走这点钱而痛苦流涕生不如死。 他们的感受都没错,只是不能坐在同一张桌子边吃饭。 作为一个“矫情的南方姑娘”,以前有那么一阵子每天都想死,又有那么一阵子莫名其妙地害怕老去,还那么一阵子害怕还没老去就死了…… 想来想去,毫无意义。 因为很多事情真正发生的时刻,你根本来不及想到。 你只能选择被它打垮,或者继续向前走。 既然生活已经如此艰难,又何必再给自己带来没必要的烦恼? 新一集格蕾里有这么一场戏。 新实习医生Wilson因为做砸了第一场阑尾手术,独自站在走廊哭泣。 Owen主任看见了,告诉她那台手术原本就没指望能成功,它只是让她成为一个典型,他希望她别被这种事打垮。 因为这样的事,谁都经历过,其实事后想想,当时的崩溃多么地可笑,只是在经历的时候,它真的那么大那么重,觉得自己再也不能超越了。 可Wilson根不理解的是格蕾为什么会变得如此刻薄。冷漠得令新人们都叫她美杜莎。 Wilson恨恨地说,是因为那场飞机事故吗?我知道那场意外啊,有的人死了,有的人差点没命,还有其他什么的(or something)。 主任默默地回答,是的……其他什么的。 总有一些事,别人没有经历过,于是他们可以肆意评价,甚至给予打击。对他们而言,你的苦痛只是“其他什么的”。 而对于经历过的人来说,其他什么的也总有一天会真的变成其他什么的。 不要奢望被理解,而是去理解。不要奢望被保护,而是学会自护。 这样,你会变得更顽强。 主任告诉Wilson,格蕾不是刻薄,是坚强。她不会让所有实习生轻松过关。因为她知道,一个外科医生的工作,就是做别人所不能。如果做不到,趁早离开,否则,至少不要躲在走廊哭! 要哭,也要找个别的地方,至少别被别人看见。 我们都从躲在走廊里默默哭泣,到学会深呼吸,轻松地微笑,说一句,没事,我很好。 这也许是岁月送给我们代价最昂贵、却也最美好的礼物。 跑过数家医院后,我似乎有点不太敢看医疗剧了。 那些血淋淋的一切,无法挽回的生离死别,达不到的梦想,都让人恐惧与感伤。 可是你看不见的,不代表它们不存在。而清醒着总比睡着了好。 最坏的结果,最难以处理的错误,有时候更会打击到那些从不敢面对或尝试的人。 谢谢格蕾。 ============================== E02 Torres刚刚出来的时候,我并不喜欢这个女人。 你似乎很难找到一个形容词给她。 后来,她却越来越惹人爱。 George离开了她,她发现自己的性向,现在她将面临Arizona的重建。 她受到的伤害几乎是格蕾里最小的,但所有身边人的创伤里都有她善后的影子。 她很安静,也很努力。 年轻时的你我都是这样的吧。好胜,任性,又没有什么太大的能力。 然后慢慢地,生活会给我们许多东西。 你以为自己不能承受,但你走了过来,走过来后,你变成更好的自己。 格蕾最后给杨留的那段话,简直可以作为人生格言: 你说得对,我很痛苦,也许我一生都无法忘怀。 我记得这里的许多人,许多事,尤其是离我而去的人。 但这里也承载了其他的回忆。 这里是我坠入爱河的地方,在这里我找到了我的家人们。 在这里我成为了一名医生。在这里我学会了为他人的生活负责。而且,我也是在这里遇到了你。 所以,我想这里赐予我的快乐,并不比那些痛苦少。 我在这里挣扎地活着,却也让我成长。 生活在于态度,而我决定多看看好的一面。并且记住关于你美好的一面。 以上是人人翻的。英文原版的在这里: you're right. It hurts me. I have a lot of memories of people, people I've lost forever. But I have a lot of other memories, too. This is the place where I fell in love, the place where I found my family. This is where I learned to be a doctor, where I learned how to take responsibility for someone else's life. And it's the place I met you. So I figure this place has given me as much as it's taken from me. I've lived here as much as I've survived here. It just depends on how I look at it. I'm gonna choose to look at it that way, and remember you that way. ============================== E05 老Thomas医生走了,这个桥段能想得到,却还是很让人伤心。 他给了杨他能给的全部精神力量。 总有那么一些人,看见了你的光亮,在你最迷茫的时候,在你都不认可自己的时候。 这是多么大的幸运。 格蕾救活了MELISSA,尽着全力,像当初她想救活Lexie那样。 很多事,已成遗憾,无力挽回。但还有很多事,即将发生,它们更需要你。 不要因为昨天的遗憾和对未来的恐惧,毁掉你的现在。 集尾,格蕾打开门,门口站着杨。 这种友谊,其实很难发生在现实生活里。这是这部剧集最动人的一点。 她俩在这一集,开始准备走出困境。 格蕾终于承认Lexie死了。 有些事过了很久,久到别人都忘了,可你才刚刚开始接受。这一点,只在你心里,只有你知道。 而如果万幸还能有另外一个人也知道,什么都别说。伸出手,抱紧她/他。 ================================= E06 又开始各种在百度翻资料,自己吓自己。希望过两天它自己能默默地消失掉,平安无事。 朋友正在经历无法平安无事的事,等待最坏的结果。 这种关键时刻我却不知道说些什么好。 遇到一些事总是不想承认,只想逃。 这种情绪,今年才出现。 必须去相信,只要多干点别的事,少胡思乱想。一切就能变好。 第六集,主题还是接受。在生活对你逼迫之下,接受。 Arizona在贝利的“逼迫"下,来到医院看病人的病例,从依靠假肢走两步就摔倒,到慢慢熟练。 Torres在Derek“逼迫”下,决定尝试各种方法,不到最后一刻,不放弃对他的手的修复。 就连小黑也在April的“逼迫”下,承认自己心中对她的真实感受。 当你发现之前对一件事的观点与所有作为是错误的时候,你会被击垮吗? 如果这件事大到是整个人生呢? “去接受物是人非的事实,而且永远不会再变回去。无论是变好,还是变坏。我们应该乐于舍弃我们固有的观念。如果我们能更坦然地接受现实,我们就能更好地看见自己的位置。” 格蕾总能在最糟糕的时候,给你一点鼓励。 剩下的,要你自己勇敢接受,面对,然后向前走。 ===================================== E07 因为Lexie走了,所以就得再崛起来一个年轻女性角色。这是美剧的一般配置。 小黑和April,就是年轻的我们。不成熟,遇事容易紧张,遇事也容易“下定决心”。 格蕾的剧本有很多值得学习的地方。这一集集中展现了一点:当一切看起来妙不可言的时候,恰恰不是如此。 比如April以为自己怀孕小黑决意“求婚”,两人以为未来将幸福无比时,她发现自己并没有怀孕。她和小黑也突然明白,其实彼此根本没有做好准备。 另一个被大家以为没有“做好准备”的人,是Arizona。 截肢后第一天上班,所有人都小心翼翼地在她身边,既不敢问,也不敢太过关心,怕她脆弱,怕她承受不起。 她却没有要任何帮助。 当我们以为她是在强撑时,当我们以为她支撑不住摔倒后一定会哭时,她给我们的,是哈哈大笑。 她对紧张不已的Torres说:我摔倒了,但马上又被人扶起来了。 她依然像第四季第一次出场时那样,充满正能量。尽管此刻的她再也不能踩着滑轮了。 所以我们,还对自己的生活抱怨什么呢? 格蕾说,生活里的那些事,都不是等你准备好了才会来的。 她怀孕了,多好。 这一次我们知道,她会成功。这一次我们更知道,即便她不成功,她也能坚强面对。 因为,9年过去了。 格蕾长大了,我们也要加油啊。 在阴影笼罩之时,一定扯开天空,给你一丝希望,一片阳光。 这就是我这么喜欢格蕾的原因。 ================================= E09 Alex对Wilson说,你不能一害怕就哭,因为这里的没分每秒,都很让人害怕。 Torres对Arizona说,没有人会注意到你那条该死的腿。 生活里的一切都在反反复复,但,是时候振作起来了!! 就先写到这儿吧。每一集,格蕾都能给我们比这些推荐里多得多的力量。去看。

 3 ) 感动坏了

Breath Dr. Yang, don't be crass. You are skulking.
Women of your generation are graceless. It's affront to nature. Mediocre surgeons will see you and feel themselves wilting in your shadow. Do not shrink to console them.
Do not look for friends here, you won't find them. None of these people have the capacity to understand you. They never will. If you are lucky, in one day when you are old and shriveled like me, you will find a young doctor with little regard for anything but their craft. And you will train them like i trained you.
Until then, read a good book.
You have greatness in you ,Yang. Don't disappoint.


    Christina 坐在停尸间里,耳边回想的是Dr. Thomas最后对她说的话。她终于振作了起来,在她最好的朋友死去以后,说了那么久的buck up开始不再是一个单纯的短语了。生活再痛,也不得不前进,孤独就孤独,也不一定要寻求人理解。总有一天,如果幸运的话,某些注定在你生命中有一席之地的人会和你相遇的。



 4 ) S09e03 好好活下去才需要最大的勇气吧

一开始看Grey's Anatomy 的动力完全是因为Cristina
Callie是后来出现的 有着混乱的人际关系
一开始是Geroge 搞到后面还结婚离婚 中途又辞过职 富家女 却只能住医院
有很高超的骨科医术 但是没有朋友 渴望爱
后来 她和Mark成为了死党 认识了Arizona 还有了Mark的孩子 以为就此她终于可以稳定了下来
后来 一场车祸 我记得这时候我已经喜欢上Callie了 她从几台大手术中挺了下来 然后为了孩子为了Mark为了Arizona从全身浮肿心肝脾肺肾都修补过无法动弹中坚持着恢复了下来 那种复健治疗的辛苦 大滴的汗珠淌下只为了能稍稍站立起来 我看到了她的坚强
再后来 第八季结尾的那场坑爹坠机事件 原本以为是编剧的败笔
“Derek Shepherd---手部神经损伤,骨折”
“Arizona Robbins---开放性股骨骨折,膝上截肢”
“Lexie Grey---deceased”
“Mark Sloan---deceased”
尤其是这种漫漫长长播了很多年的剧 你的喜怒哀乐都会轻易被里面的角色牵动
话说回来 这些人对于Callie是真实的
我想到了婚姻的誓言 那句 无论疾病与康健 始终忠于对方直到离开世界
其实很多时候最大的困难并不是疾病本身 而是那个被疾病折磨变得歇斯底里变得无比苦毒绝望 甚至不惜伤害讽刺对方的伴侣
仍然要用极大的爱和接纳去面对对方 不离不弃
而这个时候 Arizona只看见自己无处可躲浸泡在绝望里看着自己的残废 Callie终于控制不住自己 她哭了:That's my life。这也是我的生活
Arizona的残废其实也是Callie的一部分 因为无论Arizona变成什么样 她仍然是Callie生命里的一部分
Callie必须好好活下去 并且是带着Arizona的那一份好好活下去

我想一切都会好起来的 虽然Arizona无法再滑着她的小滑轮穿梭在儿科带着两个酒窝
但是起码她还活着不是么 还有无限可能
时间会向前走 人也是

 5 ) 天才的孤寂,短述S9E5Thomas最后的独白

Breathe, doctor Yang, don't be crass. you're skulking. women of your generation are grateless. it's an affront to nature. mediocre surgeons will see you and feeling themselves wilting in your shadow. do not shrink to console them. do not look for friends here. you won't find them.









 6 ) 关于Calzona的碎碎念


首先第一集最后给了一个片段,胖C叫AZ“ get up and snap out of it ”,AZ喊出 "Snap out of this? How am I supposed to snap out of this when you cut off my leg?",这时一个特写镜头给到了AZ身上,左腿膝上截肢,还残留着长长的疤痕。这时我们就知道了,这季虐她俩是没跑了。


第一幕(展现AZ是多么信任大C):Owen和另一个医生(Boise chief)在看片子,Boise chief说她的专业意见是截肢,Owen也露出认可而无奈的神色。AZ听到了这些,要求看片子,并说不同意截肢,而且坚决不会在这截肢,她要回去找Callie,她相信Callie一定有办法的。 第二幕(展现AZ性格上的转变):回到西雅图之后,她问Callie感染是否有好转,Callie只说不要担心。Alex进来,扯了些有的没的,实际上还是想说抱歉,因为如果他不耍脾气,上飞机的就会是他,金毛也不会出事了。而AZ真的很生气的说,她也是这么想的,为什么受伤的不是你这个没家没室的浑小子,而是我这样有美满家庭的人?还让Alex滚出病房。这里还给了Callie一个镜头,Callie面无表情的看着说这些狠话的金毛,也承接后面的“She's just an empty shell”。 第三幕(展现不能“感同身受”的Callie,Arizona对未来的担忧,同时大C许下不截肢的承诺):Sofia来了一会,Arizona说要多带孩子出去玩玩,还说要买个房子,就可以在院子里玩,不用每天都呆在屋子里了。AZ问“Do we have a plan yet?”Callie说,我们等感染好转就知道有什么选择了,还说她知道这很难。Arizona说你不知道,因为你知道你的未来是什么样的,你可以带Sofia去公园,你以后还可以站在手术台前,但我知道我的选择是什么,时间越长,就更只剩截肢一个选择了,她对Callie说,“Do something. You need to do something. Please. Please don't give up on me, Promise me you won't let them take my leg!" Callie说好, "I promise." 抱住AZ的表情却是那种百感交集,难以抉择。 第四幕(告诉观众截肢是更好的选择,而Callie却尽了一切努力试图保住AZ的腿,因为她希望AZ能变回原来的样子。这也是之后所有矛盾的根源,即使后来AZ自己都接受了自己现在的样子,但是Callie却一直都希望AZ能回到原来的样子,所做的那么多都是试图fix,但是再怎么努力也不可能回到从前,而适当的放弃反而能带来更好的生活。):Owen和Callie在研究Arizona的治疗方案。Callie说了一个方案,说这可以保住她的腿。Owen质问什么叫保住,她的腿不可能回到从前了,而且以后年复一年的修复和慢性疼痛远不如假肢带来的生活质量要高,而且手术还可能加重感染,风险很大。Owen告诉Callie,“You are not doing anything, She is your wife, not your patient.” Callie绝望的说,“She's not my wife. I don't know who she is. It's like you're looking at her, but there's nothing inside. I feel like she's just this shell. All the Arizona's been scooped out, she's just the shell now and I want her back. And I don't think I'll ever get her back if we cut off that leg, so I'm going to save it. I've made a plan to save it, and you're gonna get on board.” 第五幕+第六幕+第七幕(arizona有了保住腿的希望,但随后落空):callie给她测了体温,说一直在降,明天就可以做手术了。Arizona还称Callie“outstanding”。随后Alex来找Arizona说话,AZ突然抽搐。随后Alex去找正在给Sheperd手术的Callie,说arizona is crashing,感染性休克。Alex说他所有能做的都做了,但情况仍然在恶化,再这样下去AZ就必死无疑了。Callie发现现在已经无路可退了,终于狠下心说,cut it off. 最后还给了一个Alex做截肢手术的镜头和Callie看到Arizona醒了但没有高兴表情的镜头。


C: I'm coming to get you, you're going to this meeting, it starts in twenty minutes!(looking for her) Arizona... Where are you? (she finds her lying on the bathroom floor) Are you okay? Where is the nurse? AZ: I didn't like her, so I fired her. C: Oh, great, great. It's just... Why are you...? AZ: I thought, that I could get to the toilet on time by myself. Apparently I was wrong. C: Did you fall, are you ok? A: Do I look ok? I'm sitting in a pool of my own urine! C: I'm putting you in the shower. AZ: No, just get out! C: Hey! Do not talk to me that way! AZ: Please, please, get out! C: Arizona... AZ: Did you hear me? You did this! I can't even pee by myself! C: Yeah and that's a problem because you now stink! This bathroom stinks! I'm not sharing my home with somebody who smells like this! AZ: (screaming) Get of off me! C: (puts Arizona in the shower while crying) I have nowhere else to go. This is my life now too!(Arizona looks at her and realizes that she's trying to help her and that she is suffering too.)

但还有一段也很戳,是大C对那个家长说的那段。感觉这里跟后来的一个病例有所呼应,那个病例是女孩主动要求截肢,因为年复一年的修复手术和长期的慢性疼痛让女孩生不如死,截肢反倒可以给女孩更好的生活质量,正如Arizona一样,感觉那个病例是AZ真正理解大C的转折点,AZ笑着对女孩爸爸说出“She's your little girl”的时候,一瞬间想到大C说的这句“She's a little girl. Be her parent. She needs you to be the bad guy.”真的戳心。

第四集开始尝试假肢。但态度依然很不好,会对Callie乱发脾气。Alex真的暖男一枚了。Callie所说的 "Your name never comes up!" 说明Callie从来没告诉过Arizona是Alex做的手术,这也为之后埋下伏笔。最后一幕AZ让大C坐在沙发上,也是努力接纳自己的一种体现吧。



Callie: What's goin' on here? Arizona: (holding Sofia on her lap) Oh. We're havin' a little dance party. Callie: So... I guess you had a good day? Arizona: Yeah, yeah. I fell down. Callie: What? What happened? Arizona: (smiles) I got back up.




AZ: You're supposed to wear heels to a fancy occasion. C: Oh, come on. AZ: No, they make you feel tall and confident and feminine and-- And my plastic foot isn't the right shape for... heels. I didn't get that kind. C: Well, I mean... AZ: It's not nothing. I mean, why do you think women all over the world wear them? C: Because women all over the world are stupid. AZ: Oh, okay. So you're gonna wear flats? C: Oh, I'd be happy to wear flats. AZ: Oh, no, you wouldn't because then you would feel dumpy. C: Oh-ho. Did you just call me dumpy? AZ: Can you just one second admit that you know what it is I'm talking about? C: Okay, I know it's hard. It's hard all the time, and this is just one more reminder. But you're so so beaustiful. Yeah, people stand next to you and immediately feel bad about themselves. It's a public service that you're a couple of inches shorter. It is a kindness to every other woman at that wedding that you are just one tiny bit less beautiful. (AZ转身睡过去,脸上没有高兴的表情,胖C想have sex又不能,只得悻悻睡去)

这段说明了,两个人都在经历很难的时光,虽然仍然相爱,但是已经有了芥蒂。同时细节显示Callie十分想have sex,这也是后来矛盾之一。



(AZ看着假腿和平底鞋叹气) C:And we are back on the shoes. AZ:Please don't eben say it out loud. It makes me feel even more stupid. Just... tell her that I wasn't feeling well. C: You've gotta be kidding me. AZ: Do not belittle me, okay? You have no idea what it's like-- C: Oh, trust me, trust me, I am intimately familiar with what's going on, and I'm over it. You're exactly the same person you were before, just minus a leg. AZ: You think it's nothing? C: No. Oh, no, no, no, no. I think it's everything. And--and you know what? It has been... for months. And I have been supportive for months. But there comes a point where you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living. Okay, so you have one leg. It's a wedding. It's a wedding. And weddings are sweet and beautiful and n-no one's gonna notice that stupid leg because everybody's gonna be looking at Bailey, and maybe for one night, our lives can be about something other than that damn leg. My whole life is about that leg. I haven't had sex in 5 months because of the leg! Enough about the leg!



AZ: Please don't run. C: What? AZ: It's all been awful. And I've been awful. But I'm just starting to feel like myself again. And I know that not everything can be about my leg all the time. And I don't want it to be, but right now, it just... it is. But I can't lose you. So please... don't run. C: After the car accident, you never left my side. Not once. There's no way I'm leaving yours.
Please don't run.


Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Why is everyone rushing off? This is a momentous event. Shouldn't we do something, like celebrate or... Okay, maybe "celebrate" is too strong a word. Dinner. We should have a dinner, come on. We've been sitting in rooms with each other for months talking about this, and we just won. What's wrong with sitting in one more room with--with food in front of us?

之后金毛说还是觉得很weird,但Callie坚持要吃。(这段还体现了金毛比大C对孩子的保姆更熟悉,大C称保姆curly hair(can't sit)、art student(fun、Sofia loves her)和unibrow(clean),之后金毛不太高兴的说,你应该记住他们的名字,并且应该叫Claudia(Unibrow),因为Kelli只照顾过一次)。最后还是吃了晚餐,并且Callie坚持要祝酒,发生了下面一段对话:

C: I'd like to have a toast. AZ: Oh, Callie, no toasts. You know what? Let's just get this dinner over with-- C: Arizona stood for five hours. AZ: That's not the point. C: Yeah, I know. Do you realize how big a deal it is? You standing for five hours isn't the point? ...


幻肢痛这一集。最开始AZ做噩梦,惊醒后大C迷迷糊糊问"What? What's wrong?" AZ说“Nothing.”大C继续迷迷糊糊说“Is it hurting again?”AZ说“No, I'm fine. I'm fine. Go back to sleep." 大C说“Okay”之后继续睡过去。大C没有给AZ足够的关心,可以理解是她每天也过得很辛苦,但这其实不应该。而AZ也明白大C的辛苦,不希望大C为了她牺牲,各种矛盾的心理让她不会去和大C说这些痛苦,反而是跟Owen说。而一直不跟大C说,就无法解决矛盾,反而导致后面的一系列错误。

Owen: Callie knows all this. What does she say? AZ: I ha--haven' t told her. Owen: She's an orthopedic surgeon. AZ: And I have been her patient for so long. And I just am starting to feel like a wife again, and she needs me to. I cannot have this. I am finally getting my life back together, and--and I will not be screwed over by something that's not even there!

Callie听说关掉ER很生气,AZ想睡觉,大C说太生气都睡不着了,AZ对她说了一句:“Do you want to go to the beach with me?” (这里真的太爱AZ了)

第十三集有一个有趣的病人Simmi,丧气满满,三言两语消灭了Alex,又几句话戳痛了一贯乐观的Callie。(以及CA关于当Sofia的bad guy的吵架真的好可爱)最后还是AZ出场解决了这个问题。一瞬间,从前的那个AZ仿佛就回来了,她说“you will not, not, become a monster that takes everyone else down with them. You will treat people with kindness and respect” 这段也是AZ在鼓舞自己吧。

AZ: I lost my leg, less than a year ago. And I was scared and in pain and I thought that I would never be able to do the things that I like to do anymore. But I did. I operated on you. Simmi: Wow. They send the cripple in to teach me how to live my life. AZ: Okay. Okay. You know what? You can be scared and you can be pissed and you can lie here like a garden slug till you die for all I care. But you will not, not, become a monster that takes everyone else down with them. You will treat people with kindness and respect. And you will start with yourself. And you will start by standing up and you will do so by the time I count to three, or I will drag your ass out of this bed.
everything is totally out of your control

第一个小插曲(“That's a cute logo. Sofia would like it. She likes horses.”):

Callie: Hey, look at this. "Hand in hand, we'll walk together, partners on the road to your brighter tomorrow." This is who's buying us. Arizona: That's a cute logo. Sofia would like it. She likes horses. Callie: It's not a horse. It's a pegasus. And it wants to hold your hand.

第二个小插曲(“And Mark's share is not our money. It's Sofia's. ”):

C: And, uh, we've got Mark's share, too. AZ: Mark's share? C: Yeah, and Lexie's maybe? Is that rude of me-- Grey:I mean, I would have to ask her f--our--our father-- AZ: Don't worry. Excuse me. Yes, this is rude of you. C: Okay, I'm sorry, but we can't waste time on politeness here. AZ: And Mark's share is not our money. It's Sofia's. You should've talked about this with me-- C: That's what we're doing. AZ: I mean privately with your wife.

第三个小插曲(“And our daughter deserves as much protection as we can give her. ”):

AZ: We are not spending this money. If I have learned anything in the past year, it's that we don't get to know what's coming around the corner. Anything can happen, to you, to me. Anything. And our daughter deserves as much protection as we can give her. And we have the chance to not have to worry no matter what happens, a chance to be prepared should the worst happen-- C: I don't want to live like that. Getting ready for disasters that may never happen. Derek: Well, we have an opportunity right now to do something about it. And maybe we have a responsibility to do that-- AZ: Don't try and make me feel selfish. Don't try and make me feel guilty just because you do. Derek: Who said I felt guilty? AZ: I think--I think you felt guilty, but that's not--it's not-- D: No, no, no, no. no. Let's--go ahead. Tell me. AZ: Some of us died. And some of us are gonna live with challenges for the rest of their life. And you-- you got the money. And you got your hand back and you got your career back. And I think that you feel guilty. I think you feel guilty about your decision to sue and I think you feel guilty about having all this money. And now I think that you want to be the one that comes in and saves everyone, and you have to be the hero. And it's selfish and egomaniacal, and now it's affecting my family. So just stop. Okay? Everything that you've done to make it better has actually made it worse. So please stop. C: I think we should go. Grey: You should.


以为买不了医院之后,AZ看起来了房子(大C抱着Sofia),讨论起未来,对大C说“We have each other, and we have a beautiful baby, so we can go wherever we want."


第18集,AZ有了新的仿真的可以穿高跟鞋的腿=有了自信,决定和大C have sexy night. 但穿高跟鞋很疼,AZ跟大C抱怨,但大C第一反应是今天又没sex了。之后还说了几段有点阴阳怪气,确实很伤人的话。AZ的脸色变得很难看。这也是后来出轨原因的一个侧面吧。

Callie: That ass does not quit. Arizona: These heels are killing me. What was I thinking? I mean, heels were a pain even before I had a plastic leg. Why'd I think it'd be better now? Callie: Oh, can I take a look? Arizona: Nope. Callie: Oh, well, I just might be able to help. Arizona: Mm. You're not my doctor, you're my wife.Callie: Here we go. Arizona: What? Callie: Uh, we're not gonna have sex tonight. Arizona: Wh... I... Who said... Who said that were not gonna have sex tonight? Callie: That's what you're saying. You just told me your leg hurts so that tonight when I put on my drop dead gorgeous underwear, you're gonna tell me to change into my sweats. And then when I look disappointed, you're gonna say, 'Please don't make that face, Callie. You know that my leg has been bothering me today,' and... Arizona: What kind of manipulative bitch do you think I am? Callie: You're not manipulative and you're not a bitch. Okay? I'm a bitch. Yeah. You are uncomfortable like you have been for a very long time now, and if I were a really good person, I would continue to be patient, but apparently, I'm not.


Callie: The prosthetic is not the problem. You leg's your problem. I deal with residual limbs every single day. It's... they get sore. (Callie starts massaging Arizona's leg) Is that okay? Arizona: It feels better. You know, I could, um... I could give you a massage, too. Callie: With your girlie hands? Forget it. Arizona: Thank you, Callie.Callie: Hey, right now I'm Dr. Torres.

TED演讲。AZ独特的抗忘词法hhh 结果,好巧不巧,来了一波骨科病人,Callie被困住了。两人矛盾的另一个侧面。Callie说这个TED是近些时间唯一的好事了,而AZ却说她的演讲不够好。(Webber还没事瞎掺和。。。)

AZ: Calle, I asked for an ortho consult, and they sent me to you. Weren't you supposed to leave hours ago? C: I was, but then... baked Alaska. AZ: I'm so sorry. Well, hey, look at it this way. Now you have time to spice up your speech for next year. And I still need an ortho consult in O.R. three when you're done. C: Spice-- spice up? AZ: No, I didn't say that. C: Uh, you did though. AZ: No, no. I'm saying that these-- these talks are never about what they're... about. Webber: I-I heard one about floating algea pods, and it ended up reminding me to live every day to the fullest. It was very inspiring. AZ: Yeah. Yeah, and yours is just about, you know... cartilage right now. But no one sells cartilage like you. And it is-- it's a great speech. C: You know this invitation was the one uncomplicated good thing that happened in a while, the one thing that I was really looking forward to. AZ: Yeah, and I'm telling you that it's great. C: No. You're telling me it's not... Finally. And it helps. I feel better about not going, I'll see you in O.R. three.

AZ很暖的安排了直播,还鼓励大C “Just talk. Just be who you are.”Callie放弃了notes,展示了一个精彩的演讲。"what holds us together when things fall apart."

Hi. I'm Dr.Callie Torres. And... I have a pretty bad year. I was almost killed in a car wreck, then I... nearly lost my wife in an accident that claimed the life of my best friend and the father of my child, and some other stuff. I'm a orthopedic surgeon by trained, and I work with cartilage, so I've spent a lot of time thinking about what holds us together when things fall apart.

第23集,虽然前面铺垫了不少,但是这个出轨还是有点令人意外,而且是一个huge huge mistake。(大妈能不能不要这样对Calzona。。。哎,如果没有这次出轨,大家会既心疼大C又心疼金毛,但现在怕是一边倒的心疼大C了。)前面的铺垫说明她俩嫌隙已生,之后她们的这段争吵也显示即使AZ和大C都在努力的往前看,但是AZ仍然芥蒂失去一条腿,而大C觉得我也经历了那么多糟糕的事,但AZ只觉得大C没有失去什么。

回过头看,她们之间的矛盾一直在,只不过大家都努力去忽视,努力去爱,但是忽视和压抑只会导致矛盾最终一次性的彻底爆发。小三那句“You are allowed to lose a little bit of control”确实戳中了AZ的心事,她一直无法跟Callie吐露心声,一方面是Callie已经面对的很多了,她不想成为累赘,另一方面Callie有时在轻视她的需求,她害怕失去而不敢说。所以她后来一直努力的迎合Callie假装一切没什么不同,仿佛一切都如Callie所说“只是少了条腿”。绷得太紧了就会断,伪装的太久了也会累,突如其来的暴雨和好看的小三,只是问题的导火索,让所有的矛盾以一种最坏的方式爆发了。关于Arizona出轨动机的事,下一季会做更多探讨。(关于fix,关于before me& after me)

Callie: I thought … I thought we were past the hard stuff. I thought... I thought we were finally good! Arizona: We were. We … we are. Callie: We're married! Arizona: I know. Callie: We … Oh God, we have a child! Arizona: I know … Callie: How could you do this? Arizona: I don't–I don't know..Except I did... Callie: After all that's happened this year, everything we've been through, everything we survived. The bankruptcy, Mark, the plane, ... Arizona:Oh! You weren't on the plane, Callie! You weren't in the woods and you did not hear Meredith crying for Lexie and Mark moaning in pain or hearing me scream in pain. You weren't there and you keep acting like you were, but you weren't! But it wasn't your experience! Callie: I lost Mark. You almost died! Arizona: I lost Mark and you almost died. (screaming) You weren't on the freakin' plane! You want it? The street cred, the badge of honor, the warrior wounds? Then great, stick out your leg and I will go grab a bone saw and let's even the score! (crying)Oh... Callie: (shocked) It always comes back to the leg? Arizona: I trusted you, more than anything, more than anyone, in my life. And you decided to cut it off. Callie: (screaming) To save your life! Arizona: You didn't lose anything! I did! I did.(They both are silent for a couple of seconds.) Callie: Apparently, I lost you.

 7 ) You are the surgeon of your generation,I knew it as soon as I met you

Don't be crass, women of your generation think they have to be crass, or no one will believe their strength. You're fighting a battle that women of my generation have already for you. So you could have the grace to appreaciate their work and move on to something else.

Don't hold your breath, you stop thinking when you stop breathing,
Breathe. Please, God. Breathe. Breathe, Dr.Yang.

Don't be crass. You're skulking.
Women of your generation are graceless.
It's an affront to nature.
Mediocre surgeons will see you and feel themselves wilting in your shadow.
Do not shrink to console them.
Do not look for friends here.
You won't find them.
None of these people have the capacity to understand you.
They never will.

If you're lucky, one day when you're old and shriveled like me,
you will find a young doctor with little regard for anything but their craft.
And you'll train them like I trained you.
Until then, read a good book.
You have greatness in you, Yang.
Don't disappoint.



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好看還是好看的 畢竟我都追到第九季了 但是不得不說有點視覺疲勞。

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Grey第九集恢复以前的水平了~笑点和泪点都很多 讨厌Arizona

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有人离去 有人坚持

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又开播了。。。time flies away..

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