

主演:琼·克劳馥  杰克·卡森  扎查瑞·斯考特  



欲海情魔 剧照 NO.1欲海情魔 剧照 NO.2欲海情魔 剧照 NO.3欲海情魔 剧照 NO.4欲海情魔 剧照 NO.5欲海情魔 剧照 NO.6欲海情魔 剧照 NO.13欲海情魔 剧照 NO.14欲海情魔 剧照 NO.15欲海情魔 剧照 NO.16欲海情魔 剧照 NO.17欲海情魔 剧照 NO.18欲海情魔 剧照 NO.19欲海情魔 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-24 14:47


  米尔德里德(琼·克劳馥 Joan Crawford 饰)的丈夫蒙特(扎查瑞·斯考特 Zachary Scott 饰)抛弃了妻子,也抛弃了他们的两个女儿。米尔德里德对大女儿维达(安·布莱思 Ann Blyth 饰)尤为溺爱,心中充满了愧疚,宁愿去做卑微的餐厅服务员也要让女儿吃好的穿好的过上等人的生活。在母亲的纵容之下,维达渐渐变成了一个眼中只有荣华富贵的女人。  在威利(杰克·卡森 Jack Carson 饰)和艾伯特(布鲁斯·本内特 Bruce Bennett 饰)的帮助下,米尔德里德终于拥有了属于自己的餐厅,一家人终于脱离了苦海,而米尔德里德在艾伯特的身上亦再度找到了爱的感觉。然而,随着时间的推移,米尔德里德发现维达似乎亦在有意无意的勾引着艾伯特,母女之间的感情出现了裂痕。


 1 ) 【译】《欲海情魔》:一部属于女性的作品


作者:Bryan Forbes




Dark surf and full-throated music wash over the credits ofMildred Pierce,building to a knockout opening with a volley of gunshots in a beach house and a man in black tie keeling over in flickering firelight. Almost two hours later, however, the movie closes not with the swell and crash of waves but with the toiling sponges of scrubwomen on their knees, cleaning the floors of the Hall of Justice at daybreak. These mute women have the last word, bringing to the surface the film’s undercurrent of tough-minded sympathy for unseen, undignified, and unrewarded female labor, and pointing to its unusual blend of realism and high style. Beneath the sheen of glamour and the throb of melodrama,Mildred Pierce(1945) is an acute, unsparing study of relationships poisoned by class and money. The plot reveals a cruel sting in the tail of the most essential American promise—that hard work, sacrifice, and self-improvement will find their ultimate reward in the next generation’s success. But these caustic insights are embedded in a movie as satisfying as the comfort food Mildred serves in her neon-lit upscale diners: the dialogue crisp and salted with wit, the decadently rich emotion cut by just enough acerbic tartness.


We first hear Mildred’s name on the lips of a dying man, and first see her walking alone on a deserted pier that extends into the enormous blackness of the ocean. Her silhouette—the huge, boxy shoulders of a fur coat and the steep ankle-strap heels lengthening slim legs—announces Joan Crawford even before the first tearstained close-up. The role of Mildred won Crawford her only Oscar and distilled her essence as a star: a fiercely hardworking perfectionist driven by a dogged, unappeasable longing for approval. She could play tough, she could play capable and hardheaded, but in her eyes burned a volatile blend of fiendish energy and quivering need. InMildred Pierce,this molten core is tamped down by steely restraint; she was never better, and—at something like forty, depending on which birthdate you believe—never more beautiful.


Director Michael Curtiz often clashed with Crawford during shooting, complaining that she insisted on glamorizing the woman whose daughter calls her a “common frump.” But the veneer of gentility and obsessive care for her looks that clung to the actress—born into miserable poverty as Lucille LeSueur—perfectly suits Mildred Pierce, who sells cakes and pies out of her kitchen to pay for her daughters’ piano and ballet lessons, even when her husband is out of work. True, Crawford is never quite convincing as an ordinary, downtrodden housewife, but could a woman who builds a chain restaurant empire, makes a fortune, and marries the scion of a fallen old-money clan, all out of desperation to please a snobbish daughter, ever be described as ordinary? This is a woman who, forced to take a job waiting tables to support her children, throws herself into the work like an Olympian in training, becoming an almost frighteningly competent waitress.


Mildred recounts her history in a police station, where she is being questioned after the murder of her husband, and the accompanying flashbacks begin with her staking a claim to averageness, recalling her street in the stereotypical Southern California suburb of Glendale, “where all the houses looked alike,” her feeling of having been born in the kitchen and lived her whole life there. The trappings of motherhood and pie baking may not seem like the stuff of film noir, but Mildred’s obsession with her older daughter is as perverse and destructive as any man’s enslavement to a femme fatale. Veda (Ann Blyth, only around sixteen when the film was made) is a femme fatale in bobby socks: manipulative, deceitful, selfish, and cold-blooded. Blyth’s primly immaculate, doll-like prettiness, with a head too big for her tiny body, perfectly suits this bad seed who is wily as a grown-up and amoral as a baby.


In this fatally unhealthy relationship, it is the mother who fears the daughter’s judgment: the scene where Veda accuses Mildred of “degrading” the family by waitressing is so painful it’s hard to watch. Later, in a fit of ecstatic contempt, the girl insults her mother’s family and breeding—as though they weren’t also her own—and triumphantly tells the self-made success that money and a new hairdo will never give her class. But Veda also knows when to drop this crushing disdain and play what can be described only as love scenes—flinging herself into Mildred’s arms with kisses and tears and promises to change. The only change comes when her smug entitlement curdles into sociopathy; she detests the “smell of grease” on the money from her mother’s restaurants but is delighted with the $10,000 she extorts from a wealthy family with a fake pregnancy. In the end, she blames her mother for all her crimes—“It’s your fault I’m the way I am”—and for once, perhaps she’s right. Veda is a monster, but she’s the monster Mildred created with her insistence on putting the children first and giving them advantages.


“Why don’t you just forget about her?” Mildred’s friend and coworker Ida (Eve Arden) asks, as they drink straight bourbon in the afternoon. Even knowing the bitter truth about Veda, Mildred realizes she can’t live without her and will do anything to get her back. Ida can’t shake her from this abject trance—not even with the benefit of Arden’s wry, drawling contralto, the Campari in the cocktail of American cinema. But she gives the movie a solid base of female sanity and solidarity to balance the neurotic central relationship, as well as an invaluable dash of astringent humor—from her praise of alligators that “eat their young” to her toast: “To the men we have loved—the stinkers.”

There are three men in Mildred’s life, and each has his flaws, though only one is really a stinker. Her first husband, Bert (Bruce Bennett), is a gloomy defeatist who resents her greater spine and energy, though he correctly diagnoses her toxic obsession with their children. Having lost his job, he consoles himself with a mistress, and sees his wife’s own earning capacity as a deliberate rebuke. When she throws him out, he sneers, “Let’s see you get along without me,” which she proceeds to do quite well, as he later admits. Women’s willingness to do whatever it takes to survive and support their children is a truism of Depression-era women’s sagas likeBlonde Venus, Call Her Savage(both 1932), andBaby Face(1933). These films argue that the fluidity of women’s identities and their ability to accept degrading compromises make them tougher than men, whose pride and cherished dignity are handicaps. So is their cockiness. “I’m so smart it’s like a disease,” crows Wally Fay (Jack Carson), an affable blowhard who makes a pass at Mildred at least once a week. She bats back the passes but uses him mercilessly, first turning to him for help in building her business, then turning him into a fall guy when she has need of one.

「你为什么不干脆忘了她呢?」米尔德里德的朋友和同事艾达(伊芙·阿登饰)在下午喝纯波旁威士忌时问道。即使知道了有关维达的一切,但米尔德里德意识到她不能没有她,并会做任何事情让她回到自己身边。艾达无法将她从这种可怜的恍惚状态中解脱出来——不论是她沉稳、缓慢的语调,还是金巴利威士忌都不能帮到米尔德丽德。但艾达在电影中展现了女性的才智,正是她平衡了米尔德丽德母女之间的神经质关系。另外,艾达身上还带有一种辛辣的幽默感——在片中,她称赞鳄鱼,因为它「吃掉它们的幼崽」,她的祝酒词也意味深长:「献给我们爱过的男人——那些讨厌的家伙。」 米尔德丽德的生活中有三个男人,每个人都有自己的缺点,尽管只有一个是真正的混蛋。她的第一任丈夫伯特(布鲁斯·班尼特饰)是一个忧郁的失败主义者,他对米尔德丽德的精干恨之入骨,尽管他感受到了她对孩子们中毒般的迷恋。失业后,他找了个情妇来安慰自己,并把妻子的挣钱能力视为一种对自己的故意指责。当米尔德丽德把他赶出去时,他冷嘲热讽地说,「让我们看看你在没有我的情况下过得怎么样。」事实是,她后来过得很好,他后来也承认了这一点。在经济大萧条时期的那些电影中,女性常常不顾一切代价谋求生存,赡养自己的孩子,比如《金发维达斯》(1932)、《她是野蛮人》(1932)和《娃娃脸》(1934)。在这些电影里,女性身份的流动性,以及当她们对有辱人格的事情妥协的经历,使她们比男性更加强大,这让男性的自傲和自以为是的尊严看上去像是一种缺陷。他们的骄傲和自大也是如此。吹牛大王沃利·费伊(杰克·卡森饰)每周至少都要向米尔德丽德求爱一次,他说:「我太聪明了,这就像是一种疾病。」米尔德丽德拒绝了他,但同时也毫不留情地利用他,她先是让他给自己的生意帮忙,然后当她需要的时候,把他变成自己的替罪羊。

Mildred Piercewas made during the Second World War but not released until about a month after V-J Day. There are only a few glancing references to the war—for instance, a line about the shortage of nylon stockings—but the film captures its pivotal moment by looking back at the struggles of the Depression and ahead to postwar prosperity. (The latter is gloriously envisioned in the gala opening of Mildred’s first restaurant, trumpeted by searchlights like a Hollywood premiere, with carhops serving drive-in patrons, swing music on the jukebox, fried chicken and dry martinis, and the sweet music of greenbacks riffling in the cashier’s hand.) Similarly, in its treatment of men, the movie follows the pattern of classic 1930s women’s pictures, in which males remain marginal plot devices, and at the same time previews film noir’s gallery of suckers, heels, and pawns of fate.


It is often said that men’s discomfort with women’s entry into the workforce during World War II conjured the figure of the femme fatale, which demonized strong, ambitious women. This theory makes no sense, since the femme fatale is never a woman who works or is independent; she is always a woman who uses men to get what she wants, relying on the most traditional feminine wiles. Women who do work, like Mildred and Ida (or like the secretaries played by Ella Raines inPhantom Ladyand Lucille Ball inThe Dark Corner,or the nightclub performers portrayed by Ida Lupino inThe Man I Loveand Ann Sheridan inNora Prentiss) are invariably good eggs, while femmes fatales are like Veda, avaricious gals who would rather cheat and exploit their desirability than work for what they want.


The male version of this type is Monte Beragon (Zachary Scott), the penniless heir to a once-wealthy Pasadena family, who proudly admits that all he does is loaf “in a highly decorative and charming manner.” At first, his seduction of Mildred seems to be motivated by sincere if superficial attraction, and it’s easy to see why the grass widow (离婚的女子)who spends her life sweating in kitchens succumbs to a man who makes her feel desirable again. Soon she is bankrolling the lifestyle he can no longer afford, eventually buying him outright when they marry—not because she’s in love with him but as a means of holding on to her daughter, who worships the aristocratic, polo-playing gigolo. Monte and Veda are two of a kind, equally devious and narcissistic, and between them they strip poor Mildred of everything she has or cherishes.


In this respect, the movie is faithful to the 1941 James M. Cain novel from which it was adapted, but there are subtle differences in tone, as well as a glaring departure: the murder that frames the film and has no equivalent in the book. This is a case where infidelity to the source is mostly well judged, particularly in the abandonment of Veda’s sudden transformation into a celebrated opera singer, a twist in the novel that not only is unconvincing but seems to validate the girl’s haughty conviction that life with her “common” mother can never be good enough for her. The murder serves both to sharpen the dramatic thrust of the story and to satisfy the Breen Office censors who enforced the Production Code, by pushing amorality into outright villainy and ensuring punishment. It also seals the movie’s status as a film noir, though the body count matters less than the emotional violence that hits as hard and cuts as deep as bullets.


This was Curtiz’s first noir, and he pulls out all the stops in the opening sequence, aided and abetted by veteran cinematographer Ernest Haller. The beach house is a modernist labyrinth of split levels, spiral stairs, dark rectangular spaces sliced by diagonal low-angle shafts of light. Huge shadows loom on the walls, watery ribbons of light play on the ceiling, and firelight twitches spasmodically in the room where a man lies dead. All of the film’s interiors—from the California Spanish bungalow where Mildred starts out to the oppressively grandiose mansion where she winds up—are exceptionally detailed and expressive. Curtiz matches each scene’s style to its mood, from the flamboyant prologue to the plain lighting and framing of Mildred’s everyday life in the suburbs. The director’s films of the forties are all lustrously handsome, often suffused with a faintly visible atmosphere—like humidity, or breath—that gives volume to the light and shade. But Curtiz is never distracted by style; his power as a storyteller comes from the simplicity and stinging clarity he can give the most dramatic moments.Mildred Piercehas its flourishes of operatic excess—Veda slapping her mother is perhaps the most stunning—but its most painful scenes are quiet and pitilessly straightforward, like the one where Mildred watches her younger daughter, Kay, struggle for life in an oxygen tent.


Mildred Piercewas Crawford’s great comeback after a string of flops and a humiliating departure from MGM in 1943, and it led to a late-career peak at Warner Bros. Having struck black gold, she continued to mine it in a series of terrific noir melodramas, likeHumoresque(1946),Possessed, Daisy Kenyon(both 1947),Flamingo Road(1949, again with Curtiz),The Damned Don’t Cry(1950),Sudden Fear(1952), andAutumn Leaves(1956). In many of these films, she plays gritty, determined women who work—as a carnival dancer, a model, a magazine illustrator, a playwright, a typist—and for whom love and marriage, far from representing security, are violently destabilizing, leading to suicide, beatings, murder, madness. Challenging the false assumption that noir always takes the male point of view, these films find in women’s dilemmas the essence of noir’s you-can’t-win pessimism. Mildred gets everything a woman can have—marriage, children, a high-powered career, a passionate love affair, a fur coat—yet none of it brings her happiness. She wants only the one thing she lacks, her daughter’s love.

《欲海情魔》还是克劳馥在1943年经历了一系列失败,耻辱地离开米高梅之后,伟大的复出之作,这也促成了她职业生涯后期,在华纳电影公司的巅峰。在被这部电影鼓舞之后,她继续在一系列极好的黑色情节剧中延续了自己的表演,比如《银海香魂》(1946)、《作茧自缚》(1947)、《情迷意乱》(1947年)、《手足英雄》(这部电影同样由柯蒂兹执导, 1949年)、《虎穴幽兰》(1950)、《惊惧骤起》(1952)以及《怨妇悲秋》(1956)。在许多这样的电影中,她饰演坚韧不拔、意志坚定的女性——在其中狂欢节上的舞者、模特、杂志插图画家、剧作家和打字员等等——对她们来说,爱情和婚姻非但不能代表安全,反而极不稳定,导致人物的自杀、殴打、谋杀和发狂。这些电影挑战了黑色电影总是从男性角度出发的错误臆断,在黑色电影「你赢不了」悲观主义的本质中,找到了女性的困境。米尔德丽德得到了女人能拥有的一切——婚姻、孩子、一份有地位的工作、一段充满激情的恋情、一件毛皮大衣——但这些都没有给她带来幸福。她只想要她所缺少的一样东西:女儿的爱。

This is where film noir and melodrama converge: both are fueled by people wanting what they can’t have, and going too far trying to get it. With her talent for going too far, and for glamorously suffering the consequences, Joan Crawford was made for the noir melodrama. In a career marked by endless transformations and hard-fought comebacks, she also embodied the glamour of work: that hard work of being a woman that is never done.


 2 ) 这个电影名字起得有点色,其实是很严肃的家庭生活伦理片


 3 ) Tongue-in-Cheek的烂片

说是film nior没点棱角,大卫王溺爱孩子那一套,五百年前的天主教徒看了都会腻烦到反胃;说到悬疑,看了10分钟就知道结果了,唯一使人悬疑的是编剧会不会有够烂到让Crawford做凶手。

不过演员们还是蛮努力得去打好这一份工,Crawford表演的一般,倒是她的大女儿表演的很切入,比较赞。另外两个演员,一个学Orson wells的,一个有点Ginger Rogers味道的,有些亮点。


 4 ) 反千人一面


 5 ) 情節劇典范



 6 ) [Last Film I Watched] Mildred Pierce (1945)

Title: Mildred Pierce
Year: 1945
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre: Crime, Drama, Film-Noir
Director: Michael Curtiz
Writer: Ranald MacDougall
based on the novel of James M. Cain
Music: Max Steiner
Cinematography: Ernest Haller
Joan Crawford
Jack Carson
Zachary Scott
Ann Blyth
Bruce Bennett
Eve Arden
Butterfly McQueen
Moroni Olsen
Jo Ann Marlowe
Lee Patrick
Veda Ann Borg
Rating: 6.9/10

Joan Crawford’s Oscar-crowning star vehicle, directed by Michael Curtiz, the Oscar-winner from CASABLANCA (1942), based on a novel from James M. Cain and centers on the checkered life of our titular heroine, a twice-married woman, a mother of two, an entrepreneur starts her restaurant business ex nihilo.

Ostensibly begins with a murder in the witching hour, the last word of the victim Monte Beragon (Scott), whom we later would know is Mildred’s second husband, is an exclamatory “Mildred!”, together with Mildred’s suicidal impulse and sequentially tries to frame Wally Fay (Carson), an old friend (who persistently makes romantic advances to her, twice a week), as the killer, handily inscribes Mildred’s name on the offender’s seat in viewer’s mind, then during the police interrogation, the narrative’s main constituents are big chunks of flashback told entirely and chronically through Mildred’s angle, not unlike Billy Wilder’s DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944), Cain’s hard-boiled femme-fatale tall-tale.

Technically speaking, leaving out the murder scene (under the shades of striking chiaroscuro and atmospheric suspense), this film has barely any chromosome of film-noir in its vein and Mildred, is anything but a femme-fatale, what’s on offering is, firstly, a spirited story of a modern woman’s liberation from her domestic stereotype, following by a harrowing melodrama. Mildred is a tough gal, when she first husband Bert Pierce (Bennett) has an affair and loses his job, she has no hesitation to pull the plug of their marriage and takes it on herself to raising their two daughters Veda (Blyth) and Kay (Marlowe), starting from a menial job as a waitress. But, Mildred has her Achille’s heel, it is Veda, who is coddled by her unconditionally, which also causes the rift of her first marriage (and second as well), a rather discontent flavour in hindsight, is that we don’t get the motivation behind her indulgence of Veda from the word go other than her own characteristic foibles (which is further facilitated by mawkishly taking Kay out of the entire picture, pneumonia fails to take the bad seed), which insinuates that Mildred is awfully bad at being a mother, now one can see the picture: a woman can actively seek divorce, independence and become the bread-maker for her children, she also can have a successful career (however convenient the process seems according to the film), but she cannot have everything, she must has her clay of feet, and that falls upon to another woman, her young, angel-faced teenage daughter portrayed as a petulant, callous, stuck-up ingrate, whose utter resentment towards her mother also leaves no elucidation, thus, the only rationale is she is pure evil. That’s why it is very difficult to overlook its misogynous undertow in today’s view, a curse Mildred eventually breaks at the end but the sadistic approach is artistically unsavory, a sideline depiction of Eve Arden’s sharp-tongued Ida, a woman man intends to ignore because of her lack in sex appeal also comes off as a flea in the ear.

Of course, men aren’t better in every aspect in Cain’s cynical conception, wily and lecherous as Wally, decadent and obnoxious as Monte, prim and inadequate as Burt, on different scales, they are scourges of Mildred’s fix too, but some gets the comeuppance, some just doesn’t. Ms. Crawford gives a genuinely pulsating performance notwithstanding, even errs on the side of operatics, but the fine-line between good and great for an actress of her status is that, in the end of the day, she cannot afford to completely de-glamorize herself for the sake of her character, Mildred doesn’t need to be sexed up or gussied up, she is overall, a more head-headed type, but Ms. Crawford needs that, at the age of 39, she needs to reinforce her glamour not just by her acting bent, but her usual objectified sexual allure as well, which according to my lights, her own vanity and insecurity curtails the virtuosity of a well-rendered characterisation.

Blyth and Arden are both Oscar-nominated, the former banks on a meaty role reek of insidious perverseness and the latter is a rapier-like wise-cracker, only Mildred never listens to her. Zachary Scott, on the other hand, combines a scintillating veneer of alluring urbanity, rank snobbery and depravity, one cannot really begrudge why those two women of disparate nature would both fall upon his sophisticated spells (however momentary they are), but that’s the crux of MILDRED PIERCE, it appears more convincing in eliciting the unabashed rottenness from menfolk, but less so in its petticoat discord, which actually is the nexus of the entire tear-jerking enterprise, however scrumptious it may pander to ours eyes.

parallel comparisons: SUDDEN FEAR (1952) 7.1/10; CASABLANCA (1942) 8.9/10; DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944) 8.2/10


终于看了这部原片,和翻拍剧有大把的时间刻画情感不同,影片更偏黑色一些。自己亲手养大的白眼狼,被一次次伤害背叛、再心深伤透最后也依然想要以身抵罪,可怜之人必有可恨之处。电影里的Mildred Pierce可要比电视剧里的Mildred Pierce结局好多了。三星半

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mildred不懂因材施教 一厢情愿地花大价钱让女儿们学这学那 使她们成为她的附属品 而mildred一举一动 从小到大从事业到男人 全为迎合女儿们的心意让他们过得更“好” 也使她沦为孩子的附属品 一个女人身份让位于母亲身份、没有独立精神空间的伪女权的代表 一个新女性思潮与传统观念杂交而成的畸形产物

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not perfect, but surely impressive.用浪wipe字幕。运动镜头移动到镜子。(后面有呼应)大量溶接 (montage seq.)升降机以高机位开场,而后降低。不同角度景别拍摄同一或相邻动作M与警察一系列过肩正反打。Wally看到M,接着又是一系列过肩正反打。进酒馆,影机track away to show the whole bar. 然后从酒杯的特写开始,又过渡到两人的正反打。溶镜过渡,screen direction错误。跟拍。low-key sce

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围观影后琼大眉的Melodrama,却被编剧James Cain强大的女性视角吸粉。扒了一下Cain发现实在是了不得,44-46三年内Double Indemnity,Mildred Pierce和The Postman Always Rings Twice三部作品硬是在男性主导的film noir里开辟了女性主导的roman noir,这种genre其实也突破了femme fatale的类型束缚

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琼克劳馥没话说 ann blyth太美了 她家那个尖嗓子的小黑女孩是不是乱世佳人里斯嘉丽家帮melanie接生那个啊

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